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O CIAM posúe unha das maiores bibliotecas especializadas en temáticas agrarias de Galicia, con acceso a bases de datos, acceso a internet sen fíos e información bibliográfica aberta aos investigadores e profesionáis agrarios.



Biodiversity and the survival of autochthonous fermented products JOSÉ I.GARABAL International Microbiology, V. 10 (1), pp. 1-3 2007 Ver documento adjunto
Biogenic amines produced by yeast isolates obtained from short-ripened raw-milk cheeses manufactured in Galicia (NW SPAIN) J.A. CENTENO, P. RODRÍGUEZ ALONSO, C.FERNÁNDEZ OTERO, I.C. FERNÁNDEZ NO, J.I. GARABAL Book of Abstracts II International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2007), Sevilla (España), 28 Noviembr 2007
Capillary Electrophoretic Analysis of a purified Thermostable Gellan Lyase produced by Geobacillus stearothermophilus 98 from Bulgarian geothermal spring MIROSLAVA ATANASSOVA, PATRICIA RODRÍGUEZ ALONSO, JOSÉ IGNACIO GARABAL SÁNCHEZ, ANNA DEREKOVA, ANNA TERZIISKA, ROSITSA MANDEVA, MARGARITA KAMBOUROVA Book of Abstracts II International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2007), Sevilla (España), 28 Noviembr 2007
Characterization of fimbriae extracts from porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains carrying F6 (987P) antigen FROILÁN VÁZQUEZ, ENRIQUE A.GONZÁLEZ, JOSÉ I. GARABAL, JORGE BLANCO International Microbiology (2006), vol. 9, pp. 241-246 2006 Ver documento adjunto
Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from raw cows´milk cheeses currently produced in Galicia (NW Spain) J.IGNACIO GARABAL, PATRICIA RODRÍGUEZ ALONSO, JUAN A.CENTENO LWT - Food Science and Technology. Vol 41 (2008), pp. 1452-1458 2008
Characterization of yeast isolated from artisanal short-repened cows cheeses produced in Galicia (NW Spain) M.R.ATANASSOVA, C.FERNÁNDEZ-OTERO, P.RODRÍGUEZ-ALONSO, I.C.FERNÁNDEZ-NO, J.I.GARABAL, J.A.CENTENO Food Microbiology. Vol. 53, pp. 172-181 2016
Chemical and biochemical study of industrially produced San Simón da Costa smoked semi-hard cow´s milk cheeses: Effects of storage under vacuum and different modified atomospheres J.I. GARABAL, P. RODRÍGUEZ-ALONSO, D.FRANCO, J.A. CENTENO Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 93 (5), pp. 1868-1881 2010
Comparison of the volatile profiles of Arzúa-Ulloa and Tetilla cheeses manufactured from raw and pasteurized milk PATRICIA RODRÍGUEZ-ALONSO, JUAN A.CENTENO, J.IGNACIO GARABAL LWT - Food Science and Technology. Vol. 42 (2009), pp. 1722-1728 2009
Efectos de la adición de cultivos de lactobacilos autóctonos en la elaboración de queso "Arzua-Ulloa" J.A. CENTENO DOMÍNGUEZ, S. MENÉNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Mª R. GODÍNEZ Y GODÍNEZ, J.L. RODRIGUEZ OTERO, Mª HERMIDA FERRO IV Congreso Internacional de Química de la ANQUE, p.165 1998
Efectos del envasado a vacío y en atmósferas modificadas sobre la proteolisis, la lipolisis y la calidad sensorial de quesos ahumados San Simón da Costa RODRÍGUEZ-ALONSO, P.; GARABAL, J.I.; TABOADA, A.; CENTENO, J.A. VI Congreso Español de Ingeniería de Alimentos (CESI). Logroño, 6-8 de Octubre de 2010, pp. TCE06 2010








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